Piggie's pages

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day with Forever Friends!

Helleeuuuuu and happy Father's Day to you all! Whether you are celebrating your biological dad, your adoptive dad, stepdad, father in law or heavenly father, give them a big hug! My special Father's Day wishes go out to my own dad, the man who I share my hair color and bad eye sight with, as well as my financial sense and a cool sense of humor. Oh yeah and he's also married to my mom! So click, my friends, to see more of this mani and read my random ramblings!

A few years ago, our coffee cups were becoming a rare species so my parents set out to find a new set. They have very specific wishes, and it struck me as odd when they came home with a Forever Friends set. It wasn't my dad's style at all! Until I saw the images... There are a few images that are the exact things my dad represents: one bear is sitting in his big chair, one has a gorgeous red oldtimer (my dad LOVES red, especially red cars) and a couple of pictures were all about being the best dad ever. I knew then that this was the reason these cups got to go home with them, because I swear, my dad is THE BEST DAD ever!!!
And that, my dear friends, is why I chose this little bear. I was actually making it to enter into the NailPolis Father's Day contest, but my brain works in mysterious ways. The best ideas come to me when I'm not even looking for them, but when I'm under pressure.... *poof* nothing. I only had a week to enter so I know this isn't my best work, but I wanted to enter anyways.

Oh yeah and this is also done with four nights of almost no sleep. I could hardly see straight. This one little bear took me several hours to make and MAN, the face was the hardest thing I've ever had to paint! It's not quite a Forever Friends face but I don't think I could have done any better under the circumstances.
Soo if you like it, feel free to share this post! Otherwise... shhhhh...

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