Piggie's pages

Friday, February 13, 2015

PiggieLuv now available on mobile!

Oh happy day! I've made some changes that enabled me to make PiggieLuv.com available to mobile users again. This means that instead of the full website, you will now see a mobile version when you visit my blog from a mobile device. If you still want to see the full version, just scroll all the way down and click on 'Full version'. Easy!

To make this possible, I've had to switch from the IntenseDebate comment system to Disqus. If you read many blogs you'll be familiar with this comment system already. It doesn't change much for you as a user. You can now upvote other people's comments to show that you agree with them, opt to receive emails for any replies to your comment and you can even include pictures in your comments now! How awesome is that?!

I just wanted to give you the heads-up because even though I'm the one behind the curtains making stuff work, you are the audience, the most important part of the show.

Feel free to start testing out the new comment system right away!

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