Piggie's pages

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summer outing to Belgium

I know I haven't been posting as much lately, it's just that summer is a GREAT time for adventures! What me and my dad like to do is just get in the car, drive anywhere and see what we can find :D I haven't been in any shape to do this for a few years, but I'm doing much better so we went just over the border to Borgloon in Belgium. Click to see more!

Doesn't this make you feel like you're on some beautiful Italian vineyard? There was fruit EVERYWHERE, cherries, apples and pears. It smelled lovely and made me miss my cherries in the fridge at home :-p

In Borgloon, there's a work of art called 'Reading between the lines'. It's a see-through church made of steel plates and it's constructed in such a way that you can see the landscape right through it. You can even see the actual church that it's based upon in the background!

My dad is one of my very favorite people in the world. I had an amazing day and my mom didn't mind having the house to herself for a couple of hours :-p I'll be pretty absent during summer, I'm sorry for the lack of posts... but I'm really loving spending time on some new things. I'll be back to regular posting after the summer though!

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