Tuesday, December 30, 2014
My 14 favorite nail art designs of 2014!
Okay so after tomorrow, 2014 is officially HISTORY!!! This year marks my biggest development in nail art, I've never made as much progress as I have these past few months. I've chosen my 14 favorite nail art designs of 2014, maybe your favorite is not in here so feel free to tell me! I just picked the ones that mean the most to me for a particular reason. Click to see them!
Monday, December 29, 2014
New Year's crowd looking at fireworks
Yesss 2015 is coming closer and closer! Soon the skies will be lit up by fireworks so I thought I'd get a head start and paint some beforehand :) I love that they actually light up, glow in the dark! Click to see more!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
We have snow! Icicle nail art
The unbelievable happened today, I woke up and the world was white! It hardly ever snows in this country! I had these huge icicles hanging from my window this morning so I painted icicles. Click to see more!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas holly nail art
Merry Christmas to all of you!!! I hope you're having a great time with family, friends, fur babies or other loved ones :) To those of you who don't celebrate Christmas: happy random Thursday! This mani is all I had time for but it's sparkly and festive and really easy to paint! Click to see more!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Rubber ducky nail art with Santa hat for Christmas!
Hey!! I was looking for a whimsical Christmas design and I saw this rubber ducky by Pretty Quirky and she gave it a Santa hat! So adorable! Click to see more!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Sugared candy canes nail art + video tutorial
Hey there! I made this design using striping tape, I thought it would look like candy canes but they actually remind me more of those peppermint cushion candies, do you know them? Anyways, these glow in the dark, so I wouldn't eat them :-p I'll show you how I made it in a video tutorial! Click to see more!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Burlesque Christmas ladies nail art, HPB December linkup
Hey ladies, meet my ladies! They're having some fun this Christmas :-p I know it's a little more daring than what I usually do but hey! It's the holidays, I'm allowed to be a little crazy! Click to see more and to check out my video!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The winner of the Parrot Polish international giveaway!!!
Announcing the winner of the international giveaway with Parrot Polish!!! It's been a blast, you guys :D Thank you all for entering, playing along and making it a great giveaway all around! Now on to the announcement!!!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Christmas trees nail art
Hey there! Time for something fun! With everybody posting their Christmas trees EVERYWHERE, I thought I'd give into the cliche and show you mine. The gorgeous deep red base polish is Gothic Gala Lacquers Vallis Sanguine, it's one of my favorites and absolutely perfect for the season!! Click to see more!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Christmas cottage nail art
Hey dudes and dudettes!! Almost Christmas time! Who's excited?? I painted this little landscape silhouette onto Smitten Polish Nose So Bright, but boy did I get a surprise when I put top coat on my art... Click to read & see more, plus a video tutorial!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Glitter jellies nail art with OPI sheer tints!!
Hey my babes! I've been on a roll lately with the OPI sheer tints! The 'Don't Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle' design I did was a big hit with you guys, so I thought 'Why not give the people what they want?' and I got to brainstorming on something new. I hope you like it, check out the video tutorial at the end of the article!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Cork board nail art video tutorial!!!
So.... I never ever ever ever do this, usually... but SO many people have been asking me for a video on how I did these cork board nails, that I just HAD to obey! I know most of you won't want to recreate this, so I tried to just make it a fun, happy video to watch and enjoy!
Monday, December 8, 2014
First Snow, inspired by Janet Chui
Heya ladies! Fellas! Everyone! You guys know I like to recreate paintings and other art on my nails, right? It's a great way to learn about brush strokes, shading etc. I found this painting called 'First Snow' by Janet Chui and it is just adorable! This lady knows what she's doing! I thought it had a lot of character and style so I felt inspired to recreate it :) Click to see more!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Glow in the dark Christmas elf
Okay it's time for Christmas nail art! I wanted to wait until after Sinterklaas at least (I hope my Dutch girls had a nice pakjesavond!!!) and now I have this cool glow in the dark Christmas elf to show you! She's magical (although her face doesn't look very appealing in the light) and sweet and I really hope you like her once you get to know her a bit :) Click to see the pictures and a video!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Glow in the dark bridge nail art (painted with polish)
Hey gorgeousness! Are you doing okay? If not, I hope this will cheer you up a bit :) I've been wanting to paint a picture that is fully visible in the light, as well as in the dark. Do you think I succeeded? Click to see my video and my version from a year ago!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Snowflakes for guest post at Pocket Money Polishes

Hey babes! The lovely Charlie from Pocket Money Polishes asked me a while ago to do a guest post on her blog, and how can I decline? She's such a cool person!
Clickie the link right here to go to the guest post on her blog and read more about my nail art!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Pine cone nail art + video tutorial
Hi there! I've given in, it's so cold here that it does really feel like winter, and that means it's time for winter designs!!! I made these fun pine cones and I actually like how they turned out. They were also very easy to make so I have a video tutorial! Yay! Click to see more pics!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Behind The Nail art - Base & top coats
Hello and welcome to the second installment of the 'Behind The Nail Art' series! Check out the first installment 'Behind The Nail Art - Brushes' if you missed it! I know you're all dying to know what my secrets are, what products and tools I use and how to make the tiny nail art. So that's why I'm going to share everything I know! Today we'll be looking at the base & top coats I use. I don't have the budget to shop around and try different things, so I have to do my research and make sure that what I buy is the right product for me (and yes, all of these products were bought by me). These are my base & top coats!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
I can always make you smile! Happy nail art
Hey babes! Happy Thanksgiving to my girls in the US!!! For those of you that don't celebrate (like me), happy random Thursday! I have a mani to cheer you up, and if it doesn't make you smile... well then I'll just have to MAKE you smile! Click to check out more, plus the video tutorial!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Freehand castle on pastel gradient nail art + video tutorial
Heyyya!!! Do you believe in fairy tales? Whether you do or don't, you have to admit there's something magical about a glow in the dark castle... I'm calling it my pastel castle (it rhymes... sort of) and it's all made using Serum No. 5 polishes and acrylic paint! Click to see more pictures, and my video tutorial!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Don't let anyone dull your sparkle! Nail art with a message
Hey ladies! My nail art wants to tell you something, and I think it's important that you open your ears and mind and that you listen closely. I have been seeing comments that are bullying. I've seen comments that are downright hateful or aggressive. And I freaking want it to STOP! But... you can't change other people. So what I want to do is tell you this: don't let anyone dull your sparkle!
You are good at what you do. No matter what anybody else says. If you feel like it's something you love and something you're supposed to be doing, shut your ears when someone foolishly tries to convince you to stop. As long as it's not hurting anyone, who the freak cares?
Saturday, November 22, 2014
HPB Presents: Fall favorites - Nail art!
Hey ladies! I'm in a Facebook group called Hobby Polish Bloggers and we're all, like the name says, polish bloggers! It's a great group of ladies and we all share our tips about blogging, and we help eachother out. We came up with the idea to do monthly link-ups with a specific theme. Last month it was Halloween and this time, it's fall favorites! Any fall favorites, like products, colors, scents, whatever. I chose to share the love and feature some of my favorite nail artists on Instagram, so come check them out!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Aliquid Lacquer's First Fantastiversary collection!
Hey ladies! Who's up for some celebratory swatches? Aliquid Lacquer sent me these babies to share with you, in celebration of her very first anniversary! There's three gorgeous polishes and a sweet-smelling lip balm, and I'm gonna show them to you one by one. Click to read my review!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Nail art inspired by a cake by Miso Bakes
Hey babes! Are you up for something tasty? I came across this super cute cake somewhere on the internet, I really don't remember where. I also have no clue how I was able to find the original artist of this cake, but I did! It's Miso Bakes and oh. My. Goodness... Their cakes are absolutely gorgeous, their pictures are clean and amazing and I wish I could visit and taste some of their creations. Incredible! This particular cake spoke to me and it inspired me to make my own button nail art. Click to see more!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Cork board 3D nail art
First of all, YES I know these are super impractical... My grandmother used to make dollhouses and she died this weekend. This makes me think of her :) Click to see more!
Friday, November 14, 2014
Behind The Nail Art - Brushes
Hey dudes, babes and maybe the odd cat, dog or hamster that's reading along! I've been planning this 'Behind the nail art' series for a while now, since I've been getting a LOT of questions about what brushes I use, how I get certain effects in my art and what my favorite top coat is. Well, it's all going to pass by your screen in the next few weeks! I want to kick this off by talking about my brushes, all of these brushes were either bought by me or received as a gift without strings attached. I know a lot of you wonder about this so let me introduce you to my brushes!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Neon letter rain nail art (glow in the dark) + video tutorial
Ello ello! You might remember these freehanded letters from back in June. I created this design in June because I was invited to showcase my nails at an art show! But I wasn't happy with the way my old pictures looked, so that's why I decided to recreate it and take better pics (and use lots of glow in the dark nail polish ofcourse). The art show was this afternoon and everyone was SO nice! I got a lot of compliments about it being so different, not being on a regular canvas. I met some truly amazing artists and even saw some familiar faces, so I had a great time :D Now click, come see the glow pics!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Falling stars landscape nail art + video tutorial!
Awww it's the perfect day for more glow in the dark nail art! It's getting dark here early now so I'm getting the maximum amount of joy from my glow polishes :D I've had this nail art idea in my head for a while now and it's even prettier than I had imagined it. I just really love that glow in the dark effect! Oh and I made a tutorial for you guys, so you can make this yourself!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Sparkly nails with Girly Bits Razzle Dazzle and nail vinyls
Heys!!! Do you know how you sometimes have a polish that you really want to use but you have no clue what to do with it exactly? I love, love, LOVE my Girly Bits Razzle Dazzle because it's just so freaking sparkly! But if I'd want to paint on top of it, I'm afraid the art would get lost in the glitter... That's why I chose to go for nail vinyls! Check out the video tutorial too!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Hot air balloon nail art
Heya! *tacky commercial voice* Are you tired of everyday life? Stress getting to you? Do you need to get away for a bit? Well now you can! With this brand new hot air balloon nail art, your problems will fly away on the wind! *end tacky commercial voice* Hahaha okay back to reality! This nail art doesn't actually make big changes in anyone's life, but what it does do is look pretty. So come see my nail art tutorial!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Nail art inspired by Chuck Pinson
Yessss it's time for one of *those* again! I'm really feeling the 'oh I'll just sit here for 8 hours and paint' vibe lately so you'll just have to do with another art recreation! Oh dagnabbit :-p This time it's this amazing piece by Chuck Pinson, called 'Space For Reflection'. Click to see more!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Fall nail art! Autumn leaves on glitter gradient
Hey babes! It feels SO weird to be doing fall designs, because the weather was AMAZING today! Me and the sun were best buds and it felt like summer. BUT I had this fall design burn a hole in my imagination, so I thought I'd just make it and show you, and put my bottle of Picture Polish Malt Teaser to good use. Oh and I have a video tutorial! Come and see, come and see!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Halloween mani roundup!
Yessss it's Halloween you guys! I've collected all of your favorite nightmarish creatures on my nails and put them in a nice collage. I've been a busy bee :-p If you want to see any of them up close, come take a look!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Piercing eyes nail art
Hey babes! This is the last of the Halloween manis, so soak it up. This might be the scariest nail art I made, besides the scary monsters under the bed, and the creepy monster shadow. For this mani, I used Indigo Bananas Medusa Transducer for the dark background behind the monster, Superchic Lacquer Mink for the holo foreground, and Serum No. 5 Solar Power for the eyes. The rest is acrylic paint. You'll want to see the glow shot!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Twin nails inspired by Osnat Tzadok
Hey babes! I had the pleasure of doing twin nails with my awesome friend @laynopaul! We chose a painting by Osnat Tzadok this time. Come check out our work!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Creepy crawly 3D spider nail art
Heyyyyaaa! We're not quite done with the Halloween creepiness yet! I know that most of you HATE spiders, that's why I had to make more of them. I'm not scared of spiders at all! This is some more of my weird 3D nail art and I have a video tutorial so you can learn how to do this :D Come check this out!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Creepy shadow nail art - HPB October Halloween Mani Link-Up
Helleu helleu! I'm back with another glow mani, in the same train of thought as my monsters under the bed nail art from last week. The things you can't or can hardly see with the lights on, but then when it gets dark..... *spooky sounds* I'm doing this link-up with a great group of bloggers, click to read more about it!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Hell god (with a six pack) nail art
Hey there! Continuing our original ideas for Halloween, I have a HELL GOD! With a six pack! Nail art freehanded by yours truly and he's coming to drag you all to the fiery depths of hell. Have fun!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Epic Zombie Story (5 manis!!!) + video tutorial!!!!
Yeshhhh it's time for another nail art story! Since it's almost Halloween, I thought I'd tell you about the zombie apocalypse. I'll also show you how to paint this yourself in a video tutorial. This one has a surprising ending, so you'll want to come check it out!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
ILNP Mutagen with sugar spun spider webs
So... when I asked what scares you, spiders were mentioned most often. And here it is! An angry spider, ready to pounce, and he's been busy because there's a bunch of his webs draped all over the place. Looong creepy sticky threads, ready to tickle you in your face. I made them using the sugar spun nail art technique, and ofcourse I have a video tutorial for you!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Monsters under the bed, glow in the dark nail art!
Hey babes! Are you afraid of stuff under your bed? I'm a huge scaredy cat, so when it gets dark in my room, I always think I hear or feel stuff and if I need to get up in the middle of the night, I take a sprint away from my bed. I'm that big of a wimp! I thought this idea would be perfect for some glow in the dark Halloween nail art, so be sure to come check it out!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Curse in the sky, one stroke nail art (glow in the dark) + video tutorial!
Hey ladies! I've been wanting to recreate my Northern Lights nail art from a while back but this time I gave it a Halloween twist! This is a kind of curse hanging in the sky over a couple of houses, and it glows in the dark too. Ofcourse you want to know how to make these so come on over and take a look at my tutorial!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Creature lurking from a dark hole, Halloween nail art!
Ooooh who's getting in the mood for Halloween?? I'm really enjoying all of my creepy designs lately, I hope you are too! I have another one right here, it's a pair of creepy eyes looking at you from a dark hole in the wood. The eyes glow in the dark!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Angry zombie yeti monster nail art
Hahaha yeah I'm not sure what to call this one! My intention was to paint a monster. Guess it worked? It looks like a yeti that died, came back as a zombie and now it's angry. So it's an angry zombie yeti. Try saying that ten times fast!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Bloody stitches nail art for Halloween
No nails were hurt during the making of this nail art! I used fake nails so you can all breathe again now. In... and out... and in again. They're freaky, right? I didn't want to make them too realistic because that would scare me too badly. Click to see more!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Green one stroke leaves nail art + video tutorial
Includes press sample

Hey ladies! I made some lovely leaves to celebrate the arrival of fall! Brown and red really aren't my colors, so I chose this great polish called Why Do You Smell So Good? by Jior Couture as my base. This inspired me to do some one stroke leaves because I haven't done one stroke in what seems like forever! Click to see more!

Hey ladies! I made some lovely leaves to celebrate the arrival of fall! Brown and red really aren't my colors, so I chose this great polish called Why Do You Smell So Good? by Jior Couture as my base. This inspired me to do some one stroke leaves because I haven't done one stroke in what seems like forever! Click to see more!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Serum No. 5 Infrared: swatches, review and nail art!
Heya! Are you ready for a triple threat? Because I have swatches, a review, AND nail art with a video tutorial, and it's all done using Serum No. 5 Infrared! It's also glow in the dark, click to see more!
Monday, September 29, 2014
1 design, 3 ways! Floral lead lighting using Picture Polish
Hey ladies! I always wonder how something would look had I used another color, so I thought I'd show you how a different color combo can make a design look completely different! I used Picture Polish Cosmos, Ocean, Shocked, Shy Violet and Sea Jewel for a sort of lead lighting nail art. I got all of these from Pretty Polish. Oh and it glows in the dark too, so come check it out!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Jior Couture special collection: As Your Indie Maker, I Command You
Ohhhhh am I excited to share this collection with you today! Our lovely Sacha from Jior Couture got together with Lelia from Green Goddess Creations to bring you a very special, limited edition True Blood inspired collection! Click to see my swatches and read my review!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Sugar spun on top of flocking powder nail art
Hey girls! By now, you know about my need for nail experiments. So I was wondering, how would the babies look if a sugar spun mani and a flocking powder mani got together? Here they are! Click to see the rest of the pics, plus a video tutorial!
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